Of the Frenchman and the maid
If it is true that the Frenchman who is charged with raping the maid in his $3,000.00 per night hotel suite, it is past time to discuss the mythology of pussy.
There is no time to cherry pick and nik pick words about a disgusting act of pathological sexual behavior. If the allegations are proven true, we suspect the gentleman who was in charge of the IMF and in line to be the next president of France, surely suffered a break with reality and retreated to a form of infantile behavior or shall we call it animalistic, certainly we would not suspect such behavior from a man in charge of bailing out Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Ireland--and maybe the great USA soon.
Yet, we have written about broken systems/broken minds. This gentleman fits the description if the allegations are proven true. Rape is an act of violence, pure and simple. And men with power often become totally delusional, thinking they own the world and all the women therein. Male rape is pandemic as well!
Why would a man of this stature not call a dating service, if he had sexual needs, surely he had the means, thus we think there is a question of his sanity, unless we must put him among those ignut men who still don't get it, that they don't have a pussy, no, not even the lowly maid's pussy belongs to them, tip notwithstandin.
During my exile in Mexico City, we had a live in maid, but my adviser told me not to have sex with the maid, don't even think about it. Number one, she will not want to clean shit after becoming emotionally involved.
Those persons in theatre and entertainment are surely aware of the danger of having sex with actors, especially before a production: it can ruin the entire production if either of the persons develop emotional problems, especially with the director and/or producer, but between actors as well.
And yet men (and women) often don't get it, even after being warned. Poor Kobe Bryant surely paid a high price for fucking his maid, including a six million dollar ring to sooth relations with his wife.
After persons read my most controversial piece of writing Mythology of Pussy (renamed Mythology of Love), men and women appear to get it. The men learn they don't own the woman and most especially her pussy. And nor does she own their dick. I am intentionally speaking as raw as I can because this subject is a pandemic, worldwide, men are performing acts of violence upon women and we wonder when will it end?
We see the necessity of a complete revamping of the male/female mythological order. The very idea of manhood and womanhood must be radically changed, especially from the religious foundation and other cultural and psychosocial rites and values, whether in simple male/female relations or ultimately in marriage.
The mythology and rituals perpetuate violence with the concept of ownership, yes, chattel property. Ironically, the church discovered long ago that the priesthood must be celibate in order to preserve property rights, yet it continued to enforce marriage rites that were de facto chattel slavery or personal property slavery. We will not discuss the result of sexual depravity as a result of celibacy.
And so once married, the mates accept that they own each other, that they are willing to kill over said ownership that include exclusive sexual rights/rites. The result is worldwide oppression of women and sometimes men. Even children and youth in their partner relations have been socialized to believe they own each other. Of course this is done in the name of Love, though we wonder what does ownership have to do with love, especially love that results in the often oppressive and violent treatment that puts mates in the hospital and/or grave.
--Marvin X
ReplyDeleteWhy would a man of this stature not call a dating service, if he had sexual needs . . . Marvin
Marvin, you might as well ask why Jefferson chose a slave woman to have his babies. Or why white men have been skulking around black bottoms for centuries. Or why white men are attracted by women of the lower classes who sweat for their daily living. Sometimes it is called "jungle fever." But I suppose there are other names as well when white men were into exotica erotica of the Harem Renaissance or Jazz Age period.
On the so-called respectable are surprised of the desire for this kind of perversion of power.
Loving you madly, Rudy