Black Man, You Are Key In Helping To Rebuild Our Family and Community and
We Need You NOW In Helping to Protect, Defend, and Heal Our Sistahs
There is much work to be done to "Help End Violence and Abuse" of Africana/Black Females and Only
"Real Black Men" Can Do It !!!
"For Brothers Only" (FBO) Conference is a, one on one, "no holds barred" two day gathering for men (and young males) of African descent who are interested in participating in a solution oriented dialog and interaction that will consist of workshops, forums, etc. in addition to a Community Village Town Hall Meeting that will be streamed through the internet and viewed via cable TV.
The "For Brothers Only" Conference is one of the first of several national infinitives that is being administered by the National Black Women's Defense League (BWDL) and that is being facilitated by the official Brotherhood of the Million Woman Movement known as "Brothers In Support" of MWM.
The BWDL National Task Force's "Enough Is Enough" (EIE) Program that has been uniquely designed and formulated to aggressively attack and address the increasing destructive and dysfunctional behavior that is now clearly evident in reports cases, and other forms of documentation, found nationwide, regarding gender related violence and abuses. With the rate (numbers) of increasing incidents and the types of violence and abuses (too often heinous acts) that are presently in our midst, experts and advocates agree that if this matter is not properly dealt with now we could be easily be seeing in the very near future a very interesting "sociological crisis" particularly for the Black Family and our communities throughout the US.
As the economy in the US sinks more into an dismal irrversible state, as the misrepresentation and disconnect continues in our community and worsens, and as the injustices mounts and become more and more visible, so shall the displaced anger, rage, and and other negative behavior.
And guess who is designated to catch the blunt end of the stick ...
From an international stand point, this year's launching of The MWM "EIE" Program will begin to set the tone and the stage for the necessary bonding and building with Sistahs globally, who voices are too often muted, though they are daily experiencing countless acts of brutally and violations. Massive rapes, forced marriages, enslavement, trafficking, and so forth are just a few of the day to day realities that thousands of our women and girls must endure. It is therefore the intention of the National Task Force to grow/develop into an international program and campaign, beginning in 2013, that will assist in providing education, plans of actions, and necessary services to help better defend and protect natural and human rights and to heal.
Because the present state of visibility of programs, advocacy, and so forth in regards to this matter (gender violence and abuse) exemplify's a disproportionate number of females of African descent involved in issues that are specifically relevant to Black/Africana women and girls, worldwide, and thus those who tend to be seen, heard, and sanctioned are Caucasian and those who follow that type of mind set, the mission of the National Task Force is not only greatly needed in the assurance of clear and representing the views, positions, and overall best interest of Africana women and girls, it is indeed groundbreaking particularly addressing the "whole" matter ; for its focus is not just on "domestic:: but ALL types of violence and abuses inflicted on females of African descent and to do so from an African Holistic Frame of Reference.
The "For Brothers Only" Conference is a two day gathering will take place October 14-15, 2011, in Philly, PA and is open to all who are serious and ready to make a commitment to roll up their sleeves and get busy.
This "For Brothers Only" Conference is kick-off session that will connect Black men nationwide, will also begin the necessary coordination for collective "direct action" as mandated by the National Task Force for the Elimination of Violence and Abuse of Africana/Black Women and Girls that will enable and secure the ability for males of African descent, of all ages and from all walks of life, to candidly and seriously dialogue, examine, network, strategize, and implement solution oriented actions in a progressive and on going manner.
Topics to be presented, examined, discussed and readied for ACTION include: (but not limited to)
* Beatings/Battering
* Rape
* Murder
* Molestation
* Kidnapping
* Stalkings
* Intimidation
* Exploitation
* Torture
* Trafficking
Other Areas For Analysis etc. include:
* Causes and Effects
* Political and Sociological Ramifications
* Effects on the Children
* Effects on the family and Community
* Support
* Black/African Man (and Manhood Development)
* Solutions
* Accountability Mechanisms
* Health and Healing
* Enslavement/Brutalizing, Torturing, Genocidal Forced Labor
* Rage and Anger (Management, Reduction, and Elimination)
* Relationship Assessment and Development
Confirmed Invited Presenters Include: Bro. Kamau Kambon and Bro. Mwalinu Baruti
To submit a paper for presentation or for publication, please forward a synopsis of the proposed work in Word or PDF format consisting of not more than 250 words. For additional comprehension of work to be considered by way of visual effects, CD's, DVD's, MP3 presentations can also be sent with the written overview.
Deadline for Submissions: August 15, 2011
Submissions can be sent via snail mail to: National MWM P.O. Box 53668 Philadelphia, PA 19104 or by E-mail to: For all additional information e-mail: or call: 267-636-3802
A Special Call is going out to those Brothers who attended the Million Man March, the 10,000 men in Philly who came in 2007, and ALL Men (of African descent)
from all nationalities, faiths, religions, groups, organizations,etc.
The Universal million Woman Movement is "ON THE MOVE"
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